30 Oct 2012

201012 shabu with tuition students and teachers

oh, so busy, three days also have  to hang out.
wif my ley ley HOHO
at my car car XD 
reach shabu at almost 550
a floor is only our tuition PPL
and only 1 others family
they so pek cek us, too noisy like pasar HOHO
and maybe they think they go wrong restaurant :P
celebrate our bi teacher birthday too :D
they suddenly off the light, hak sei me XD
BM teacher, HOHO, she love BB so much :P
BI teacher, she so beautiful and cute :P
MT/SC teacher, he so cool but funny :P
nonono, this not teacher, just assistance teacher :P
our Geo/Sej teacher ald back, cnt photo wif him D:
know what? we just like pasar here, lelong lelong XD
and they're not sitting :P

back at 9pm , HOHO, whn we go down, i think everyone was back, but they are playing cream at there LOL, so funny. then all their face become white XD
then we go TESCO lol, cuz ley mom hvnt come yet, so she follow me, and i want go tesco is for fetch my bro, HOHO
aigoo, hi, im 4 years old:D so cute ((欠扁,不要臉 LOL
 show your teeth, HEEEEE :P
have fun with this pot the day, haha, and have fun with all tuition teachers and students :D


pabo, 那天講第二天就更新到現在 LOL
1018我家李筱嫣生日叻 我陪她過生日 很偉大有木有 :$
我生日沒有人陪我過叻 (只有家人) ((欠打,埋怨個屁 XD
go watch sinister chi gek haha.
full of love XD

next day 1019 !!!
IOI again --"
u know 本來is 準準all members of ah pots gerh, hor shirley dont know her parents den cant go le :( just left 4 of us TT (not fun ald)
last year got cake, this year bo liao, HOHO, and not so suprise not so high :(

always take bus tgt, HAHA
newspaper LOL
they cabut the present until beh song, i like to saw that face XD
3 of us, libra girl ^____^
the first time we met the redbox waiter so friendly so nice, but he is chubby HAHA
then when pay money, we look inside the vip room and like first time saw, the waiter said : 看要錢的叻 and 他伸他的手出來要錢 HAHA, cute u noe ! 很幽默,很可愛,很搞笑. 第一次見, 最好每一次都是遇到他, 其他的臉都很臭的 --"
然後咱們去拍大頭貼, HOHO.
then back.
seriously, i not so like this year, INDEED.
PMR year, everyone so serious, and like abit lifeless, cant enjoy. :(
少了一個人 真的 不是很好玩.
快點找一天 整整齊齊5個人出!